People on the growing demand for residential design, garden lights began to gradually into our field of vision, has become an indispensable lighting in urban construction tools. Many times the customer friends in order to order a batch of garden lights, but also do not understand how to properly install, then let us give you a detailed description of the correct installation of the garden lights.
1, the installation of garden light, should adopt low-power high-color high pressure sodium lamp, metal halide lamp, high pressure mercury lamp and incandescent lamp, each set of conductive parts of the insulation resistance to the ground should be greater than 2MΩ.
2, the courtyard lamp should be installed vertically with column-type street lamps, floor-type street lamps, special gardening lights, lamps and the foundation should be fixed and reliable, anchor bolts should be complete.
3, each set of fuse fuse box fuse complete, specifications and lighting fit. Lamps of the junction box or fuse box, the cover of the waterproof gasket should be installed intact.
4, overhead line pole on the correct light, fixed and reliable, fasteners complete, tighten, each set of lamps should be equipped with a fuse protection.
5, garden light and pole lights according to the brightness of natural light and automatically open and close the device should be debugged.
6, metal columns and lamps can be close to bare conductor should be connected with the PEN reliable. Grounding lines should be a single trunk, the trunk should be arranged along the courtyard lamp ring ring, grounding should not less than 2 with the grounding device leads to the trunk connection.
7, by the ground trunk and then lead the branch and the metal lampholder and the grounding of the lamp connection, and there are signs. The grounding lines of the lamps can not be connected in series with the lamps and lanterns to prevent the displacement or replacement of individual lamps from altering the grounding protection of other lamps.
8, power test run after the installation of lamps, the insulation test after passing, the side allowed to test run.